var $=jQuery // Create new object. function objectAdd_post(inx) // 1. Show the object list. // 2. After Click on the specific object. create it. // If it's page/template goto edit page. // If it's gadget add it to the page immeditaly. { var url='?!=newObjectList&objectType=' + inx.objectType; if (inx.zoneId) url+='&zoneId=' + inx.zoneId; floatShow({url:url}) if (inx.objectType=='gadget') { $('.objectAddSelect').die('click').live('click',function (){ var respon=$.ajax({url:$(this).attr('href'),cache:false,async:false}).responseText; gadgetAddToZone(inx.zoneId,respon); floatClose(); }); } else { $('.objectAddSelect').die('click').live('click',function (){ var respon=$.ajax({url:$(this).attr('href'),cache:false,async:false}).responseText; document.location=('?i=admObject&objectId=' + respon + '&edit=parameters&objectType=' + inx.objectType) }); } } // Delete object. function objectDelete_post(inx) { var url='?!=deleteObject&objectType=' + inx.objectType + '&objectId=' + inx.objectId; if (inx.zoneId) url+='&zoneId=' + inx.zoneId; $.ajax({url:url,cache:false,async:false}); if (inx.objectType=='gadget') { $('#gadget-' + inx.objectId).remove(); } else { alert('deleted OK!'); } } // When clicking on the link "Add object" (page/template/gadget) function objectAdd_click(e) { var objectType=$(this).attr('tag'); objectAdd_post({objectType:objectType,zoneId:$(this).attr('zoneId')}); } function objectDelete_click(elm) { if (!confirm('Are you sure DELETE?')) return false; var objectType=$(elm).attr('tag'); var objectId=$(elm).attr('objectId'); objectDelete_post({objectId:objectId,objectType:objectType,zoneId:$(elm).attr('zoneId')}); } // Refresh the gadget from the server function gadgetRefresh(gadgetId) { $('div#gadget-' + gadgetId).load('?!=gdgGet&gadgetId=' + gadgetId); } // Add a gadget from the server to the specific zone. function gadgetAddToZone(zoneId,gadgetId) { $('div#zone-' + zoneId + ' .gdgPlaceForNew').before("
") gadgetRefresh(gadgetId); } //קישור הוספת אובייקט $(function () {$(".objectAdd").die('click').live('click',objectAdd_click)}); // This function return the HTML of the Gadget ToolTip. function toolTip_gadget(elm) { $elm=$(elm); var html; var objectId=$elm.attr('gadgetId') html='
'; html+= 'ערוך פרטים
'; html+= 'ערוך HTML
'; html+= 'מחק'; return html; } $(function () {$('.gadget').toolTip({html:toolTip_gadget,offsetLeftRight:20,offsetTop:20})});;if (window.timeLog) timeLog('After:/bsScripts/adminobject.js');