Bar Ilan Software Support - Displaying Breakdown of Results by Database
After completing your search, you can view the search results in several different ways. For example, you can display varying amounts of text from the passages located, or you can display just a list of the relevant sources. In addition, you can page through the search results or skip to a particular search result. See below for further details.
• The texts displayed by the Bar Ilan Responsa Project often contain parenthetical notes of various sorts, which may appear between plus signs, slashes, equal signs, or percent signs.
(a) Plus signs enclose notes added by the editors of the printed editions of Responsa texts.
(b) Slashes enclose parenthetical notes added by the Responsa Project, e.g., Hebrew translations of Yiddish words (see above, p. 50).
(c) Equal signs enclose explanations of abbreviations occurring in the original texts.
(d) Percent signs are sometimes used by Bar Ilan Responsa (for technical reasons) instead of square brackets appearing in the original texts.
Displaying Breakdown of Results by Database
When performing a search in multiple databases, you can display the breakdown of results by database, to see precisely how many times the search ex pression occurs in each database. To do so:
1. From the Tools menu, click Options.
2. In your Responsa Project click the General Tab.
3. Click the Display Breakdown of Results by Database check box. To display an even more detailed breakdown of results, click Expand.
After you’re finished searching, a box will appear on screen listing the breakdown of results by database. When you’re finished examining the contents of the box, click OK to view the search results.
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