Bar Ilan Software Support - Expanded Display Windows
In the Bar Ilan Responsa Project you can also display longer sections of text in separate windows. To do so, double-click any part of the search result you want to view, or double-click its source line. Alternatively, press TAB until the source line of the result which you want to view is highlighted, and then press ENTER.
A new window (an expanded display window) will open up, displaying a longer section of text (an expanded display result). Note that the line of text containing the word or expression which you originally searched for is highlighted on screen.
• Sometimes it may take a little while until the expanded display result is displayed on screen. If you don’t feel like waiting, press ESC. A box will appear on screen, offering you the option of proceeding to display your text or canceling. Click the button of your choice to proceed.
Expanded Display Windows vs. User-Defined Number of Lines in the Bar Ilan Responsa Project
When should you use expanded display windows, and when should you specify a larger number of lines to display?
Obviously, the answer to this question varies from user to user and from search to search. Keep in mind, though, that the expanded display option offers you certain advantages which are not available when displaying a user-specified number of lines. Specifically:
• In your Bar Ilan Software expanded display results are displayed in separate windows, each of which can be printed or saved independently. By contrast, this is not possible with a user-defined number of lines.
• You can only “copy and paste” text (see below, p. 77) from expanded display windows.
• Using expanded display windows facilitates on-screen comparison of different search results (see below, p. 79).
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