Bar Ilan Software Support - Paging Through Search Results
To scroll through your search results, select the appropriate option from the following chart.
Do this
To view
Press pgup, or click above the scroll box in the vertical scroll bar
The previous screen of search results
Press pdng, or click below the scroll box in the vertical scroll bar
The next screen of search results
Press shift+tab, or click the box at the top of the vertical scroll bar
The previous search result
Press tab, or click the box at the bottom of the vertical scroll bar
The next search result
Press ctrl + home
The first screen of search results
Press ctrl +end
The last screen of search results
Drag the scroll box to the desired location and release it
A particular part of the search results
In Bar Ilan Responsa many of these options can also be accessed by right-clicking the search results window and then choosing the desired option. (You can also close search results windows by clicking CTRL + W, or by right-clicking them and then clicking Close Window.)
Skipping to a Particular Passage You can skip to a particular search result and begin displaying the search results from that point. For example, if you searched the Bible database, you can begin displaying the results from the book of Exodus, rather than from Genesis. Or you can begin displaying the results from Exodus, chapter 6, rather than from the beginning of Exodus. To do so:
1. From the View menu of the search results window, click Skip to Author/Book, or right-click the expanded display window.
2. In the Bar Ilan Responsa CD if necessary, click the plus signs next to the database or parts of the database to open up the “tree” and display the relevant parts of the database.
3. Do one of the following:
Click the title of the text to which you want to skip with the right mouse button. Double-click the title of the text to which you want to skip with the left mouse button. Click the title of the text to which you want to skip with the left mouse button, and then click OK. To skip to a particular numbered result:
1. In your Responsa Software disc, from the View menu of the search results window, click Skip to Number, or right-click the expanded display window.
2. Type the number of the search result to which you want to skip.